Contact Us

To place an order, or to just make any enquiry, please contact Richard Lawson by phone (during UK business hours) or by email at anytime. You can also text or message us via our Facebook page, so there’s a few options here but most people use email these days.

Monday to Friday – 09:00 to 17:30 GMT
Mobile: +44 (0) 7986 470853


Landline: +44 (0)1189 472474


(answer machine service available)




If you have any general business, sales or Brokering enquiry then we recommend you email Richard at the email address above.  We do monitor our emails throughout the day but we are often unable to get to the phone, so email is always the preferred contact method.

If you have any enquiry that’s related to a technical fault or you need some in depth technical advice then we recommend you contact Kent Spong at KSR directly.  Kent’s full contact details can be found in our Service & Restoration Page.

We promise to respond to any enquiry sent by email, or left on our answer machine, within a maximum of 24 hours.