RA Minimoog

RA Minimoog – Serial Number: 1064

By the end of 1970, the now incorporated R. A. Moog Inc. introduced the Minimoog, manufactured in Trumansburg NY. The first of all the subsequent Model D Minimoogs ever made were called the ‘RA Minimoog’ named so after after Robert Moog’s initials.


We present you with an April 1971 manufactured RA Minimoog, now available for sale.

This truly historic instrument has the fabled and early desined matched transistor filter. It has it’s original clear perspex mod-wheel housing and is completely original having had no modifications since it’s manufacture in April 1971 (date evidenced by Moog engineer test sticker internally).

It has to be one of many peoples life’s dream to own such an extraordinary instrument, and we are no different. Ordinarily an historic instrument of this rarity and value is kept locked away, but we wanted to make this available for you to own and appreciate (in every sense of the word).

It’s quite possible that Bob Moog himself had a hand in the assembly of this particular Minimoog and the original all metal facia just adds to the experience in knowing this is the genuine article from the early Moog company in 1971.

The person we  finally managed to purchase this RA Minimoog from was the second owner. He couldn’t remember who the very first owner was as he bought it from them around 1976, but it’s been in his possession for 37 years. Like many RA Minis, It was used, a player synth, and not stored away which in many ways is a good thing as the synth is still very happily working to this day. It was regularly serviced but never modified in anyway, so it’s completely 100% factory original – meaning: its has all its original PCBs, casings, cabinet, switches, pots, keys etc.

David Van Koevering, Bob Moog’s friend and historic collaborator, is a friend of the previous owner of this Minimoog.  David was interested in the particular history of this RA and had recently commented that only a handful where ever made in this particular configuration. David also mentioned that they used a locally supplied wood to build the cabinet on this RA, which was (very expensive) Rose Wood.

So, what we will do in terms of restoration?

My trusted Vintage Moog restoration expert, Kent Spong of KSR – London, has undertaken a sympathetic approach to the restoration to ensure it has retained the authentic essence of a 42 year old Moog synthesizer. The key-bed has been fully overhauled and re-bushed, deep cleaning to pots and switches, plus a full test and calibration ect. There has of course been much more detailed work operationally speaking but most of the technical work carried out has been to ensure the instrument is reliable and safe to use.

KSR have very carefully hand-finished the original Rose Wood Cabinet to bring back the character, and waxed finished it to enhance the natural aging and darkening of the wood (its patina). Without doubt this RA Minimoog look beautiful and it plays perfectly, scaling and tracking through all the footages very nicely thanks to the skill of a master restorer.

This extraordinary instrument is being sold with our enhanced 6 month warranty. It operates (perhaps obviously) under the US 110v voltage – we do not intend to convert it to EU 220V as that means replacing the transformer. Best left original we think, and it will work quite happily on an external step-down transformer, which we can supply free of charge if required.

Price: £10990 GBP.

Availability: This RA Minimoog is SOLD as at 4th November 2013.

Click on the Thumbnails for higher resolution photos.


Memorymoog LAMM

The Memorymoog is an outstanding analogue polysynth that is unique and unrivalled in sheer power and character. Moog did the best they could with the technology of the day, but Lintronics developed this amazing system further to become the world renown Lintronics Advanced Memorymoog (LAMM).

More info on the Lintronics LAMM implementation can be found by clicking this link: http://www.lintronics.de/lamm.html

Not very often we get the chance to get hold of a LAMM but we managed to source this amazing vintage synth from a musician who has gone 100% VSTi…! Well, our gain for sure, and having a Memorymoog in stock alone would be treat enough but the Lintronics versions are highly coveted. The LAMM upgrade charges are near the cost of the donor machine these days, plus the waiting time to have it done, so here’s a great opportunity to get yours. The LAMM upgrade on this particular model was carried out by Bob Moog’s team (Big Briar) in the USA during the 1990s – we have documented evidence of this.

This LAMM is also a very special as it has gone through our unique ‘Total Restoration’ process that has involved every possible aspect of the synths cosmetic and operational integrity, and taken over 6 months to complete. We have had all the control surfaces re-finished, new scratch-resistance stickers made and a brand new Walnut cabinet made for it by Lamond Design. We are certain that you will never find a more perfect and beautifully prepared Memorymoog in the world. The restoration costs invested into this LAMM have been in excess of £3000 GBP alone, and this does not include the LAMM upgrade costs, which are considerably more than that figure, on top.

So, if you are after a cosmetically perfect, full LAMM spec Memorymoog that is operationally restored to the highest possible level achievable, is totally reliable and feels beautiful to play then we present the worlds finest example for sale.

Supplied with original LAMM User manual. Runs EU 220V and sold with a 6 month warranty.

Guide Price: £10300 UK Pounds

Availability: This ultra-high level restored LAMM Memorymoog is now SOLD as at 28th September 2013.

Click on the Thumbnails for higher resolution photos.


Minimoog #11601

We are Brokering this instrument for and on behalf of our customer

The original Model D Minimoog is still one of the most sought after vintage synths in the world, and this is in spite of the huge numbers of Voyagers around to choose from…ever wonder why?

We have here a late production model, manufactured around 1980/81, which makes this a very stable in tuning and tracking – utilising the buffer-board (factory fitted) and late Moog VCOs…a players synth!

This particular Minimoog has only ever had one owner – the actual customer we are Brokering if for. He purchased it brand new in 1981 from a music store in London and has kept it with him at his home studio since that time. The Moog was very well looked after and needed little in the way of restorative work operationally speaking. It’s very unusual to find a Minimoog from the original owner like this, so we have the full history for this immaculate instrument.

A note on the restoration:

On this particular example, we had the original Moog cabinet re-finished by KSR and the results are always very impressive. The wood cabinet has been stripped, stained and wax finished and shows beautiful character in the grain, as you can see from the library picture below of another late model we restored recently..

Operationally speaking from the restoration standpoint, we do not change any electronic components that would compromise the integrity of the Moogs character. There might be some components that we will have prudently replaced due to age like but these are off-the-shelf components. The Keyboard will be completely stripped and rebuilt with a full set of new bushings, all pots and switches cleaned, and the final calibration and test finishes of the restoration.

The aluminum real panel enclosure is completely original. We decided not to have the panel re-anodized as it’s in good condition, plus we prefer to keep the instrument completely authentic if possible. Restoration is a about balance, and although the cabinet is not the original brown varnished factory one, you can see the fantastic work KSR can do from the picture.

This Minimoog #11601 is sold with a 3 month warranty. It will operate under either 110V or 220V (switchable).

Price: £4130 GBP.

Availability: This Minimoog #11601 is no longer for sale.

Click on the Thumbnails for higher resolution photos.


Minimoog #13032

We have here an extremely late production model Minimoog, manufactured in 1981, which makes this one of the last few hundred ever made! This final production model is super stable in tuning and tracking and utilises the factory fitted buffer-board and last production Moog VCOs for the Minimoog.

We would describe this as in exemplary condition, and the high-res pictures we have taken of this stunning example almost do not do it justice.

One of the nice things about this super late model is that all the original Moog stockers are still present on the aluminium anodised back panel, which is also in super original condition.

This Mini, being one of the last few ever made, represents the last production version of the most iconic synthesiser ever made. This is a collectors item in its own right, but is certainly a perfect every-day useable synth and would fit right into a modern studio environment.

A note on the restoration:

On this particular example, we are having the original Moog cabinet re-finished by KSR and the results are always very impressive. The wood cabinet will been stripped, stained and wax finished and shows beautiful character in the grain, as you can see from the library picture below of another late model we restored recently..

Operationally speaking from the restoration standpoint, we do not change any electronic components that would compromise the integrity of the Moogs character. There might be some components that we will have prudently replaced due to age like but these are off-the-shelf components. The Keyboard has been completely stripped and rebuilt with a full set of new bushings, all pots and switches cleaned, and the final calibration and test finishes of the restoration.

This Minimoog #13032 is sold with a 3 month warranty. It will operate under either 110V or 220V (switchable).

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £4450 GBP.

Availability: This Minimoog is is now SOLD as at 28th September 2013.

Click on the Thumbnails for higher resolution photos.


EMS Synthi AKS

Came into stock:  30th April 2013

Remarks: A fabulous opportunity to own your EMS Synthi AKS, and this one is an absolute beauty…like new condition but made in the mid-70s!

This example is in immaculate cosmetic condition, completely unmodified and 100% perfectly working. We have recently fully pro-restored this particular example (in march 2013), and sold it to a customer in France, but they have decided not to keep it as they prefer the VCS3 model so we have purchased it back from them.

These iconic and truly amazing pure analogue music instruments are in great demand by professional users, and prices are being driven up fast on the second-hand market around the world, so now might be a good time to invest in one before they become ‘Vintage Buchla or Moog Modular’ prices.

This EMS Synthi AKS has a full compliment of Matrix pins, power & KS inter-connect cable and operates on EU 220V or US 110V (switchable). This Synthi AKS will be sold with a 3 month warranty.

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £10,000 UK Pounds.

Availability: This Synthi AKS is now SOLD as at 11th November 2013.

Pictures of actual instrument below

Click on the Thumbnails for higher resolution photos.


Memorymoog w/MIDI

We are Brokering this instrument for and on behalf of our customer

Came into stock: Arrived at RL Music in mid-May 2013

Servicing Status: Full restoration by KSR was completed on 1st August 2013.

Remarks: We present the rare and titanic Memorymoog (standard Mk1 version) with a Kenton MIDI retrofit, in excellent cosmetic condition and recently fully pro-restored to top operational condition.

Memorymoogs have to be in the top 5 list of machines for any serious analogue fan and among the most individual sounding (monster) polysynths ever made. These instruments have become very hard to find in good condition, and demand for many of the truly awesome vintage synths has increased significantly leaving a big hole in the market for top quality examples.

This particular example is one of the best condition examples we have ever seen and is in ‘like new’ condition internally, which from experience, is a very good sign of reliability. Overall the cosmetic presentation is fantastic and it tunes perfectly from cold, even before KSR started the restoration work. This is by any definition a keeper!

Runs on EU 220V.

Guide Price Post-Servicing: £5990 GBP.

Availability: This Memorymoog is now SOLD as at 18th November 2013.

Click on the Thumbnails for higher resolution photos of actual instrument.


Minimoog #8230

We are Brokering this instrument for and on behalf of our customer

Came into stock: 1st August 2013

Restoration Status: KSR to restore once sold, and prior to shipping to the new owner.

Remarks: An excellent condition mid-series production version Minimoog (made around 1977) owning a serial number of 8230. This make this vintage Moog over 36 years old!

A note on the restoration:

We use all the original cosmetic components (no new cabinets or metalwork) and do not change any electronic components that would compromise the integrity of the iconic Minimoog character. The synth is complete dissembled and stripped down to bear wood and then the cabinet is re-stained and finished to a very high standard as you can see from the library pictures from previous project restorations. There might be some components that we will replace due to age like PSU capacitors, trim-pots and some Op Amps etc but these are mostly off-the-shelf components. The Keyboard is completely stripped and rebuilt with a full set of new bushings and the final calibration and test ensures the Moog will be the best you can find. The finished product is stunning cosmetically and 100% perfect operationally and good for another 36 years at least.

As with all Brokered Sales, the synth will be fully restored post-sale before it’s sent to its new owner. We do this to ensure that the instrument leaves us in perfect operational condition, and it is backed up by our full warranty to give the new owner complete peace of mind. The servicing is carried out as a priority once the the sale has been completed, and although it will delay shipping/delivery by a short time, we know from experience that customers are happy to wait.

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £4130 GBP.

Availability: This Minimoog is now SOLD as at 2nd October 2013.

Library picture supplied below from another #8230 Minimoog we restored, but high-res pictures of the actual synth will be available post-restoration


Minimoog #2222

We are Brokering this Minimoog for and on behalf of a customer

Came into stock: Due to arrive at RL Music early February 2013

Restoration Status: KSR to commence restoration once we deliver to their workshop in February 2013.

ETR (estimated time from restoration): Should be ready in March/April 2013

Remarks: We have been looking for another a very early production version Moog Music Inc. Minimoog and this excellent example became available to us via a customer who wants us to Broker it for them.

We always will tell you that there is something special about owning an early model that become immediately apparent once you start playing it, it’s about the sound. Also, the cabinets that Moog were using for these earlier machines were of a high quality hard wood, and they always respond beautifully to restoration.

This #2222 serial number Minimoog also has a MIDI retrofit – more details on that will be supplied shortly, but it makes it a very useful studio machine for DAW integration etc. The overall cosmetic condition is very good for such an early model although there is some wear as you might expect. These iconic Moog synths are the most beautifully made and conceived electronic instruments, so why wouldn’t anyone want to own one!

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £3890 UK Pounds

Availability: This Minimoog is now SOLD as at 14th March 2013

Library picture supplied below


Minimoog #2863

Came into stock: Due to arrive at RL Music in April 2013

Restoration Status: KSR to commence restoration once we deliver to their workshop in April 2013.

ETR (estimated time from restoration): Should be ready in May 2013

Remarks: Another nice early production version Minimoog and this really super (made around 1974) example became available to us – owning a serial number of 2863.

There is something special about owning an early model that become immediately apparent once you start playing it, it’s about the sound. Also, the cabinets that Moog were using for these earlier machines was of a high quality hard wood, and they always respond beautifully to restoration. The picture featured below was from a similar age Minimoog that we restored a few years ago, so you can see the cosmetic results.

This particular Minimoog has has the octave buffer board fitted, and the upgraded VCO board from the later Minimoogs, so it will make it track and stay in tune beautifully across the octaves.

Once the restoration has been completed, this Minimoog will be good for another 40+ years. These instruments are many peoples ‘dream synth’ so if you are after something special..to keep, then why not finally get what you always wanted.

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £3990 BGP

Availability: This Minimoog is now SOLD as at 15th April 2013


Arp 2600 Mk3 + 3620

Came into stock: Due to arrive at RL Music in mid February 2013

Restoration Status: KSR to undergo complete restoration once we deliver to their workshop in February.

ETR (estimated time from restoration): Should be ready by April 2013

Remarks: The Arp 2600 is among the very finest vintage modular synths ever made and equally the most sought after. Global availability of these Mk 3 models is very scare now so we’re very pleased to have this example available for sale.

The restoration work we will undertake on this Arp includes; complete re-Tolexing of the cabinets & lids. A full system overhaul which covers: PSU rebuild, calibration/testing and the case and all sockets/switches/sliders thoroughly cleaned & system-wide calibrations. Keyboard assembly deep-cleaned with new bushings fitted etc. We may fit a new 17 inch reverb tank to this as well, depending on the tank that’s already fitted in the synth – we’ll check that during the strip-down for restoration.

These RL Music prepared Arp 2600 are almost in ‘as-new’ condition to look at and play when finished.  We can spend over £2500 UKP just in restoration costs for these models (synth & keys).

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £9500 UKP

Availability: This Arp 2600 Mk3 is now SOLD as at 5th April 2013.


Access Virus B

Came into stock: Due end of January 2013

Restoration Status: Awaiting servicing by KSR for early February.

ETR (estimated time from restoration): February 2013.

Remarks: It is amazing to think it’s been over 14 years since their arrival to the synth market, and a fine reputation Access has built for HQ analogue modeled synths. The Virus B is a fantastic synth by modern standards, with 24 voice Polyphony and 3 VCO per voice etc – powerful stuff & a lot of synth for the money.

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £490 UKP

Availability: This Access Virus B is now SOLD as at 15th February 2013


Minimoog #26xx

Came into stock: Due to arrive at RL Music late January 2013

Restoration Status: KSR to commence restoration once we deliver to their workshop in early February 2013.

ETR (estimated time from restoration): Should be ready in February 2013

Remarks: We have been looking for a nice early production version Minimoog and this really super (made around 1974) example became available to us – owning a serial number of 26xx.

There is something special about owning an early model that become immediately apparent once you start playing it, it’s about the sound. Also, the cabinets that Moog were using for these earlier machines was of a high quality hard wood, and they always respond beautifully to restoration. The picture featured below was from a similar age Minimoog that we restored a few years ago, so you can see the cosmetic results.

This #2xxx serial number Minimoog has has the octave buffer board fitted so it will make it track nicely across the octaves, and once the restoration has been completed, it will be a real gem to play and will be good for another 40+ years. These instruments are many peoples ‘dream synth’ so if you are after something special for this brand New Year then why not finally get what you always wanted.

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £3850 UK Pounds

Availability: This Minimoog is now SOLD on deposit as at 23rd January 2013.



This item is in Stock

Came into stock: November 2012

Restoration Status: Currently Being restored by KSR.

ETR (estimated time from restoration): December 2012

Remarks: Arguably one of the most sought after synthesizers in the world and we rarely have these in stock.

We have this beautiful condition VCS3 Mk2 going through restoration that has come from an film score composers collection. We’re not permitted to say who owned it but it’s been used in quite a few scores over the last 20 years. The condition of all the control surfaces is superb with only the cabinet needing some light restorative work by KSR. The whole system will be fully overhauled prior to sale although it’s been very well maintained and looked after over the years by professionals, for a professional.

Being a Mk2 it has the Prestopatch fitted and has silver anodised aluminum panels and coloured ‘Cliff’ control knobs. The EMS has a full compliment of Matrix pins and currently operates on US 110V. We can convert this to EU voltage depending on the buyers requirements.

Guide Price Post-Restoration: £9990 UK Pounds

Availability: This synth is now SOLD as at 29th November 2012



Late Minimoog (Serial No. 11414)

We present a most beautiful example of world’s most famous synthesizer which has been fully restored by our partners KSR.

We have here a late production model was one of the last few hundred to be manufactured, around 1980/81, which makes this a very stable in tuning and tracking – utilising the buffer-board (factory fitted) and late Moog VCOs…a players synth!

A note on the restoration:

On this particular example, we have had the original Moog cabinet re-finished by KSR and the results are pretty impressive. The wood has been stripped, stained and wax finished and shows beautiful character in the grain as you can see from the pictures.

Operationally speaking from the restoration standpoint, we do not change any electronic components that would compromise the integrity of the Moogs character. There might be some components that we will have prudently replaced due to age like but these are off-the-shelf components. The Keyboard is completely stripped and rebuilt with a full set of new bushings, all pots and switches cleaned, and the final calibration and test finishes of the restoration.

The aluminum real panel enclosure is completely original. We decided not to have the panel re-anodized as it contains some original Moog factory stickers that give this instrument complete authenticity. Restoration is a about balance, and although the cabinet is not the original brown varnished factory one, we think the work KSR have done does the synth great justice.

As you can see, the appearance of this professionally restored instrument is wonderful and the cabinet oozes a gorgeous vintage patina to the wood which makes the synth look wonderfully old-school…just as it should.

Considering the age, outstanding condition, and additional care taken in restoring this Minimoog, we are confident that she will see at least another 30 years of faithful operation. Being a Minimoog, this is naturally an excellent investment or everyday useable music instrument.

This example is sold with a full 3 months warranty and can run either US or EU voltage through the power switch on the rear-panel.

Price: £3750 UK Pounds

Availability: This is now SOLD as at 20th November 2012

Click the thumbnails for higher resolution photos.


Arp 2600 Mk3

Arp 2600 Mk3 + 3620 Keyboard

This item is awaiting delivery to RL Music from USA for restoration to commence

Came into stock: ETA w/c 16th July 2012

Restoration Status: Awaiting arrival

ETR (estimated time from restoration): End of October 2012

Remarks: A really beautiful condition Mk3 black & Orange 2600. It’s been a while since we have had one of these versions in stock so we’re excited to be able to offer this to our customers once ready.

Guide Price Post-Restoration: Estimated at £7990 to £8500 UKP

Update 20th July 2012: This instrument is now sold as at 2nd August 2012.



Moog MuSonics Minimoog

We are honored to have the opportunity to offer this quite exceptional, super rare and immaculate early Minimoog.

Generally accepted wisdom on actual numbers of the MuSonics Minimoogs manufactured suggest there were only around 150 or so ever made. There is an informative website dedicated to the Minimoog serial number history and registrations here:

Lords of the Mini


From new, in 1971, this particular example only ever had 2 custodians and has been extremely well cared for, so much care in fact that the instrument looks & plays like new. looking closely at the cosmetic condition, both inside and out, she has never been used outside the home environment and all the keys, knobs and switches feel super smooth and pristine. The serial number is in the early 1300 range and the synth has the original (Moog Modular style) metal face-plate and wheel-housing with the clear perspex wheels etc.

All the internal components are original so; original oscillators, stunning RA Moog filter and no buffer board and playing this Minimoog is a joy – she tracks and holds tune beautifully.

We purchased her from a collector in the USA in 2009 with the plan to keep her for posterity but, regrettably, we need to raise some money for other projects so she must be sold.

This truly exemplarily condition example has just been fully serviced, thoroughly cleaned and calibrated and the original Walnut case has been lightly re-finished and waxed to her original condition – all done by our restoration experts KSR – and sold with a full 3 month warranty.

This instrument runs under her original and unaltered 110v power supply and even has the original brown moog 2 core power lead. There is also a stunningly high-quality custom finished and perfect foam fitted anvil flight case that the MuSonic Minimoog will be sold with (which is probably worth over 200 UKP alone) which will be included in the final sale, free of charge.

Price = 7990 UK Pounds

Availability:This MuSonics Minimoog is now SOLD as at 30th January 2013

Click on the thumbnails for higher resolution photos.