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Ensoniq VFX-SD
Came into stock: April 2013
Servicing Status: Currently being serviced by KSR
ETR (estimated time from restoration): May 2013.
Remarks: The evolution of the Ensoniq Synthesizers from the ESQ-1 developed strongly into the VFX, which uses wavetable synthesis – like the PPG et al.
This model was a powerhouse of synth technology and even featured polyphonic aftertouch, inbuilt effects and 21 note polyphonic keyboard. Even by todays standards that’s impressive, although poly AT is exceptional!
Even if you don’t use the fantastic synth for its sounds (and why wouldn’t you?), you still have an excellent MIDI keyboard controller for your soft-synths, and it transmits Poly AT & velocity.
Operates on EU 220V and sold with a 3 month warranty.
Guide Price Servicing: £590 GBP
Availability: This Ensoniq VFX-SD is now SOLD as at 31st July 2013.